Last night I was pretty determined to get some sewing in after having a couple of weeks doing absolutely nothing. This is a project for my quilting class, it’s a Disappearing 9 Patch, in Lucy’s Crab Shack. I managed to get all the rows sewn for my 9 patches, and 3 of them assembled. This round, in an attempt to get better at matching points, I pressed all the seams open ( I generally press to the dark ). As you can see, I’m still not hitting them exactly, which is pretty disappointing – I pinned these too!
Also – I made another two dozen HSTs for my back door curtain project, and tidied the studio up a bit – but just a bit. I still haven’t put my Sparkle Punch project back up on the design wall ( it fell because of the humidity when the lights were out for so long I think) , and I’m scared to move any of the pieces because it will just be harder to find the order and placement of all the units if I do. So its still in a sad pile on the floor for the moment, maybe I’ll take care of that this evening, I know its going to take forever – but its got to be done sometime. Barring natural disasters or family tragedy or work emergency or plague of locusts – I really want to wrap that one up this weekend.