Besides the Sparkle Punch quilt and the mysterious Secret Project™, I have an embarrassing amount of unfinished projects floating around here. They’ve been looming over my head recently, and I really really want to put some of these to bed.
This is one of the first quilts I ever pieced together. My cousin was pregnant with twins, so when I heard the news I immediately pieced together two matching baby quilts. Unfortunately she miscarried, and I was too heartbroken to finish them. Now almost 3 years later, she has a 1 year old and a newborn – so my mom and i are dusting these off for the “New Baby” and the “Old Baby” The other one is further along, with borders and we basted it – so its ready for quilting. I want to get this one at least that far before the end of the month.
This one is embarrassing. It’s a pattern I got off of Moda Bake Shop, started last winter for the birth of a friend’s baby – I made a noob mistake and thought it would be a good idea to quilt this with invisible nylon thread. Which was very hard to handle, and I gave up midway through. Maybe he’ll get it sometime before he gets married. Bleh.
This one also was one of my earliest projects, and honestly I just took on too much too soon. Made of beautiful batiks my husband hand picked, it’s a giant quilt that is in the middle of being hand quilted. It’s pretty much overwhelming – and in the summer months its unbearable working under it. We’ll revisit this one come fall, I can’t even look at it in August.
And last but not least, my Grandmother’s Flower Garden. My project that I work on when I’m traveling, or when it’s not really convenient to be at a sewing machine. Working on this is just very relaxing to me – and I’m okay with not finishing it until I’m old and gray…because honestly, it will take that long. Currently I’m out of the fabric I’ve been using for the borders, so it’s on hiatus for the time being.
Last but not least, I thought this bolster pillow cover would be a quick project to make me feel like I’ve accomplished something. WRONG. I didn’t make this from a pattern, and planned on having one end solid and the other drawstring. I seriously have no idea how to get that end cap on there without ripping out the stitches of the sleeve that makes up the body of the pillowcase.